Equality and Diversity
Gateway’s commitment to equality and diversity means that every Service User supported by Gateway has their individual needs comprehensively addressed and are treated equally and without discrimination.
This is regardless of the individual’s ethnic background, language, culture, faith, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other aspect that could result in their being discriminated against purely because they have such characteristics.
We aim to be an equal opportunities employer to ensure that all staff are made aware of the opportunities that exist within the organisation. Such opportunities include vacancies, promotions, training and development activity.
Gateway expresses its commitment to equality and diversity by:
- Respecting all Service Users’ ethnic, cultural and religious practices and making practical provision for them to be observed
- reassuring its Service Users that their diverse backgrounds enhance the quality of experience of everyone who lives and works in any home or service provided by Gateway
- principles; ways; acceptable. This is applicable to both staff and Service Users and is rigorously observed and monitored accordingly
- accepting Service Users as individuals, not as cases or stereotypes
- involving Service Users to express their individuality and to follow their preferred life style, also helping them to celebrate events, anniversaries or showing positive leadership and having management and human resources practices that actively demonstrate a commitment to equality and diversity
- developing an ethos throughout the home or service that reflects these values and principles
- expecting all the home/service staff to work to equality and diversity principles and policies and to behave at all times in a non-discriminatory way
- providing, training, supervision and support to enable staff to do this
- working in line with the SSSC codes of practice, which makes any form of discriminatory behaviour unacceptable. This is applicable to both staff and Service Users and is rigorously observed and monitored accordingly.